An estimated 28,300 excess winter deaths occurred in England and Wales in winter 2019 to 2020, which was 19.6% higher than winter 2018 to 2019. Deaths attributed to Coronavirus, have been excluded.
Jan Shortt NPC General Secretary said
"These figures are a demonstration that older people are being failed by a government that ignores the reasons why winter deaths are so prevalent. Many older people live in homes that fall substantially below the decent homes standard impacting on health and well-being. The winter fuel allowance has, over time, covered less and less in terms of utility bills.
Given that older people have borne the brunt of COVID 19, it is time for the government of the day to commit itself to dealing with those real issues that would make life more comfortable and bearable for those in retirement.
The NPC knows that fuel poverty is widespread across all ages and supports a strategy that will enable everyone to live in a warm, affordable, environmentally friendly home. Time for the government to step up to the plate."
You can see the full Office for National Statistics release on
The NPC has also produced an e-flyer which is available to download
Download the Excess Winter Deaths e-flyer colour
Download the Excess Winter Deaths e-flyer greyscale here