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Terms of Reference


(i) To examine, consider and advise the EC on health matters, the NHS, the provision of social care and related services in relation to how they affect older people.


(ii) To examine, consider and advise the EC on any proposed legislation relating to health and social care matters affecting older people.


(iii) To submit to the EC as appropriate formal papers, briefings and reports that deal with these issues, as an aid to policy making, and to conduct the necessary research in order to produce such documents.


(iv) To develop and maintain contacts with like-minded organisations and individual experts who share the NPC’s view on health and social care matters.


(v) Where necessary, to plan with the EC’s collaboration, events on appropriate issues.


(vi) To specifically look at the following work programme:


  • To consider how an integrated National Health and Care Service, funded through general taxation could be implemented in practice

  • To assess the different health and social care models across the UK

  • To assess the impact of the Health and Social Care Act 2012

  • To assess the impact of the Care Act 2014

  • To consider how the NPC’s Dignity Code could be more widely adopted and used across the health and care service throughout the UK

  • To consider the issue of using CCTV in care homes and the tagging of dementia sufferers

  • To consider the issue of personal health data and issues of access and confidentiality

  • To consider the impact of an ageing population will have on health and care services

  • To consider the issue of malnourishment amongst older people both inside and outside hospital

  • To consider the issue of delayed discharges and the impact this can have on older people

  • To consider issues around end of life care and dignity in dying


(vii) Where appropriate, to also consider and advise on the different arrangements for transport across the devolved Parliaments and Assemblies.


(viii) To brief the EC regularly on the working party’s progress.

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